Samsung Galaxy S4 Offers Customized Sound With Unique ‘Adapt Sound’ Feature

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gs4Most smartphones now come with some type of sound manipulation features. And some may even offer basic equalizers where you can adjust base, treble and other simple sound attributes. But generally the music player on most smartphones is pretty much a “one size fits all” experience that caters to the average listener. But just as there are differences in our eyesight, we have differences in our hearing abilities, and the Samsung Galaxy S4 offers a special Adapt Sound feature that allows you a true customization to perfectly fit your hearing.

And the incredible part about this wonderful sound feature is that the Galaxy S4 just may be the first mobile handset ever designed that adjusts the audio output to your personal needs … automatically. Found in the handset’s Sound Settings, Adapt Sound does exactly what its title suggests. To show just how in-depth this system works, when customizing it to your hearing, the handset will ask you to find a quiet spot before continuing. To access the application, head to Settings > My Device > Sound > Adapt Sound.

You will then be instructed to plug in your headphones and hit Start. The Samsung Galaxy S4 then takes you through a basic hearing test. If you have been through a hearing test before with your Doctor, you will recognize the low and high pitched beeps which will play. You will be asked to confirm whether or not you hear them, and if you think about it, this also judges the quality of your headphones and not just your hearing.

Two graphs appear on your screen when you are done, one each for your left and right ears. What happens next truly demonstrates the difference between your Galaxy S4 sound experience with and without the Adapt Sound adjustments. Click on the ‘Preview Adapt Sound’ button, and then you can move back and forth between Personalized and Original settings to see the difference. You can then head back to the settings window and tell the application when you do and do not want to personalize sound output.

The intricate and high-end sound feature also allows you to personalize your sound output to your most frequently used side when you are holding the handset to your head. Samsung claims one time is all you need to set up the Adapt Sound feature, but also recommends you go through the process again if you should buy new headsets or ear buds. The Samsung Galaxy S4 delivers one of the largest screens and highest resolutions of any smartphone, but cutting-edge features like contextual awareness, hands-free gesture navigation and the Adapt Sound audio personalization and enhancement package are what continues to drive the phone’s global popularity.

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