Nokia Lumia 910 vs Nokia Lumia1001

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Remote Device Access service, has off late been gaining prominence because of its capabilities of detecting devices like the Lumia 910 and 1001, that aren’t directly accessible to users and can only be spotted when a user commands one of Nokia’s devices to search for other Bluetooth-enabled devices nearby.

One of Nokia’s remotely-accessible phones, detected, Nokia Lumia 1001, which is expected to be a new device by its model number jump, and it is rumoured to be Nokia’s first Windows 8 Phone device. However, many who are questioning the authenticity of the model number have stated that Nokia might have been changing one of its device’s names to “Nokia Lumia 1001″ just to puzzle everyone.

In the race of better range of technologies being provided in Nokia mobiles it can be observed, that the higher the model number, the more higher-end the device. The rumour that Nokia is anticipated to be working on some Windows 8 Phone hardware behind closed doors, in preparation for the platform’s launch later this year is spreading around. The person who found the Nokia Lumia 1001, a member of the TechCrunch crew, was using a Nokia 500 when he spotted the Nokia Lumia 1001 and when he tried it again with a Nokia N9, to his surprise, the Nokia Lumia 1001 was still visible.

Remote Device Access, also known as RDA, allows developers to test their applications on a variety of Symbian, Series 40 and MeeGo based Nokia devices remotely over the Internet. The current setup consists of over 70 different device models. The Nokia Lumia 910 (suspected as Lumia 900) is meant for T-Mobile USA and was detected by Nokia’s Remote Device Access service.
With the Windows 8 Phone’s launch date coming closer, it not exactly a surprise to hear that Nokia is slaving away on some new hardware.

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