Google sued by British Telecom over patents

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Patent lawsuits aren’t just for Samsung and Apple anymore.  Today, British Telecom filed paperwork in the United States alleging that Google infringed on key patents the company owns.  British Telecom says that the 6 patents are from the 90’s and are included in the Android operating system and Google Maps, Google Music, location based advertising and Android Market products.  British Telecom has been around the mobile world since the 80’s and was one of the first mobile service providers, with Cellnet, in the United Kingdom.  The outcome of the lawsuit could mean a big payday for British Telecom as Google, or handset manufacturers, would have to pay them royalties for each Android based handset made in the past and future.

Since Android just happens to be the most successful operating system in the world, accounting for over 40 percent of the smartphone sales, British Telecom could be making a huge pay day.  With over 40 million Android devices produced every single quarter, the courts would decide how much each of those phones is worth to British Telecom and then somebody would be writing a check.  Of course, the courts have to find that patents were infringed first.

As of right now, Google is facing lawsuits from 5 other companies at the same time.  The six companies that are currently suing Google, including British Telecom, are Apple, Oracle, eBay, Microsoft and Gemalto.  A spokesman from British Telecom issued a statement that said, “BT can confirm that it has commenced legal proceedings against Google by filing a claim with the US district court of Delaware for patent infringement. The patents in question relate to technologies that underpin location-based services, navigation and guidance information, and personalized access to services and content. BT’s constant investment in innovation has seen it develop a large portfolio of patents, which are valuable corporate assets.

Google issued a statement as well, although it was much shorter, saying “We believe these claims are without merit, and we will defend vigorously against them.”  Google has had their fair share of issues since launching the Android operating system.  The company might be a target because British Telecom would rather sue one company than all the individual handset makers, which they could then still do business with.  Google, Samsung, Apple and Microsoft are all in the same boat having to deal with infringement type lawsuits of one kind or another.

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