AT&T offering trade-in credit for customers switching from T-Mobile

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attT-Mobile might not be the largest mobile carrier in the country, but with all of the credits and promotions they are running the post-paid subscriber outlook is getting better each quarter.  AT&T has taken notice of this and has decided to try a promotion of its own to get subscribers to switch from the growing T-Mobile.  It was rumored earlier this week that AT&T would be doing this promotion and it was actually confirmed by the end of the week.  AT&T is willing to provide users that switch from T-Mobile a trade-in credit worth up to $450.

The money is not going to be that easy to get as usual as there are a few catches involved for those that are looking to do so.  A portion of the credit is for the actual trade-in of the phone and that will get you up to $250.  The rest of the money comes after you actually transfer your number to AT&T and sign up for the AT&T Next Plan, buy a smartphone at full price, or activate a device you already own.  A new –two-year contract is not required for any of the options.

If you think that you are going to just get $450 from AT&T just to switch that is not how this will work, however, if you were going to change from T-Mobile anyway, this might be an affordable option for you.  AT&T is mainly trying to get as many subscribers as possible and can see how T-Mobile has boosted subscribers over the last 6 months.  Ever since T-Mobile has dropped 2-year contracts and activation fees, mobile carriers all over the country have been taking notice and trying to offer plans that are similar in nature for subscribers.  The other 4 major mobile carriers are taking the largest steps for sure.

AT&T announced that the deal starts on Friday the 3rd and is only going to be temporary, even though there was no exact end date.  The company advises that if you want to take advantage of the promotion, you should do so quickly to avoid missing the option to switch.  The AT&T Next Plan offers a more affordable way to own a smartphone allowing for faster upgrades, lower costs for the smartphones and no contract is required.

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